1. Video 2. Running back 3. Dezod 4. Good good 5. Byen kanpe 6. Pa chanje 7. Blof 8. Decirte 9. Pran devan m 10. Nou te ka Band / Artist: Khash Album: The Intro Format: DG Year: 2022 Label: Khash Number: 06/22
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Liste des pistes :
1. Video 2. Running back 3. Dezod 4. Good good 5. Byen kanpe 6. Pa chanje 7. Blof 8. Decirte 9. Pran devan m 10. Nou te ka Groupe / Artiste : Khash Album : The Intro Format : DG Année : 2022 Production : Khash Numero : 06/22
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Lis chante:
1. Video 2. Running back 3. Dezod 4. Good good 5. Byen kanpe 6. Pa chanje 7. Blof 8. Decirte 9. Pran devan m 10. Nou te ka Gwoup / Atis: Khash Album: The Intro Fòma: DG Ane: 2022 Pwodiksyon: Khash Nimewo: 06/22