A 1. Voudon incantation 2. Moundongue dance song
B 1. Wake song 2. Mosquit drum song 3. Rara trumpet Band / Artist: Folk Music Of Haiti Album: Voudon incantation Format: 78 Year: 1947 Label: Disc New York Number: 1502
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Liste des pistes :
A 1. Voudon incantation 2. Moundongue dance song
B 1. Wake song 2. Mosquit drum song 3. Rara trumpet Groupe / Artiste : Folk Music Of Haiti Album : Voudon incantation Format : 78 Année : 1947 Production : Disc New York Numero : 1502
Aucun téléchargement disponible
Lis chante:
A 1. Voudon incantation 2. Moundongue dance song
B 1. Wake song 2. Mosquit drum song 3. Rara trumpet Gwoup / Atis: Folk Music Of Haiti Album: Voudon incantation Fòma: 78 Ane: 1947 Pwodiksyon: Disc New York Nimewo: 1502