B 1. Constatation 2. Why? 3. Adeline Band / Artist: Georges Loubert Chancy Album: Love And Peace Format: LP Year: 1985 Label: J.D. Number: JD 1839-12
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A 1. Peace and love 2. Doudou #2
B 1. Constatation 2. Why? 3. Adeline Groupe / Artiste : Georges Loubert Chancy Album : Love And Peace Format : LP Année : 1985 Production : J.D. Numero : JD 1839-12
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Lis chante:
A 1. Peace and love 2. Doudou #2
B 1. Constatation 2. Why? 3. Adeline Gwoup / Atis: Georges Loubert Chancy Album: Love And Peace Fòma: LP Ane: 1985 Pwodiksyon: J.D. Nimewo: JD 1839-12